What We Do

Workshops & Keynotes

Explore positive psychology approaches and engage in playful activities to integrate joy practices into daily life. Workshops and keynotes are generally live and not recorded. 

Working in Joy

Working in Joy

Designed for collaboration and resilience building.

An interactive workshop and networking session for those seeking joyful practices to combat burnout.

Bring more joy to the day-to-day of your work life! Positive psychology is shown to improve staff and customer retention, build revenue, and improve workplace morale.

This workshop offers practical tools for integrating positive psychology practices into work teams of all sizes and available in-person or virtual.

By participating, you will:

  • Identify issues that can stem from breakdown in connection and get heightened by stress.
  • Explore ways to ensure human-centric design in meetings, team collaborations, and mentoring.
  • Engage in play-based tools and strategies.
Working in Joy
Building Joy-Centric Libraries

Building Joy-Centric Libraries

An interactive workshop for library staff seeking joyful practices to build connection and community engagement. Positive psychology is shown to improve staff and customer retention and improve morale. This workshop offers practical tools for work teams of all sizes and can be adapted for in-person or virtual environments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to identify one potential issue that can be heightened in times of challenge and transition.
  • Participants will learn the positive psychology framework and tools to integrate into collaborations, meetings, and projects.
  • Participants will engage in 3 joy-centric exercises and ways to integrate these into their work with communities.
  • In-person and virtual sessions are available.
Building Joy-Centric Libraries

Coaching & Consulting



60-90 Minute Sessions

Packages Available

Virtual or phone sessions 

Rebecca works in a collaborative intuitive way, which may include using cards - Virtues Project Cards, tarot, oracle, etc.  Sessions use a co-active coaching model engaging with your inner wisdom or intuition. If you have your own card deck, you are welcome to bring it to the session to use. If you don’t have a deck, we work on Zoom with video enabled. Schedule a Discovery Session to learn more!
Cost: $100 per session.



Explore your joy journey with Rebecca using powerful, engagement questions.  She may use coach-like tools (core values, strengths, visualization, etc.) to help unpack your need and find resources to support your goals.  Development topics may include leadership cultivation, DEIB, entrepreneurship, project management, and community engagement.

Consulting sessions may include:

  • Explore sensory centering practices and guided reflective journaling.
  • Engage in virtual connection through reflection and play.